Our goal is nothing less than to meet top standards: To this end, the members of IZEG permanently invest in research, further development, innovations and state-of-the-art production processes in cast iron drainage technology.
You can expect tested and reliable quality when using the certified products or systems of our members.
Below, you find a list of our manufacturers and their products with the RAL quality label Cast Iron Drainage Technology.
All the products and manufacturers listed are certified by GEG GÜTEGEMEINSCHAFT ENTWÄSSERUNGSTECHNIK GUSS E.V. and significantly extend the quality and performance standards of the industry by exceeding common standards.
Certification for the Cast Iron Quality Seal (Gütesiegel Guss) is carried out in accordance with Gütesicherung Entwässerungstechnik Guss, RAL-GZ 698 (January 2018 edition) through various tests and regular inspections.